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...a polish saxophonist, currently living in Germany, a graduate of the Jazz Department of the Academy of Music in Wrocław and a saxophone teacher at the School of Music - Symphony Orchestra in Hof, Germany, artistic director of the Festival - Hof Jazz Nights in Hof an der Saale, and he is a sideman composer and leader of the bands Slawek Dudar Trio, Sławek Dudar Quartet, Blue Couch, Trylobity, Wind Trio, and many others.
He had a lot of concerts i.a. in Poland, Germany, France, Austria and Netherlands. In 2009 he was nominated to Wrocław Musical Award in Light Music category and to Gazeta Wyborcza Award WARTO 2009. What is more, he was also nominated, together with the Dutch band COLLECTIVE JAZZ QUARTET to ‘the Music Lovers’ Hope 2009’ by ‘Music Lovers’ Jazzy Association „Melomani”.
We can hear his saxophone on authorial Sławek Dudar Quartet- INSIDE CITY and BRAND NEW WORLD disc, JUNODUET – Kodex 2 (Magiera, L.A.) disc, Forever Green, the disc of Urszula Dudziak, TRYLOBITY GROUP- BURNING STONES and Big Band from Zielonogórski University and ‘4871’ - LUNA Music disc.
He cooperated with such musicians as: Jeremy Pelt, Bodek Janke, Jean Clair de Ruwe, Boris Oostendorp, Olivia Trummer, Tex Doering, Rainer Glas, Thomas Fink, Freak Weber ,Mama Oliver, Max Nauta Simonsen, Dan Freeman, Louis di Matteo, Adam Baldych, Jacek Kochan, Piotr Wojtasik, Michał Barański, Łukasz Pawlik, Dorota Piotrowska, Krzysztof Kiljanski, Janusz Brych, Jerzy Szymaniuk, Jerzy Główczewski, Stanisław Fijałkowski, Krzysztof Puma Piasecki, Paweł Tomaszewski, Dominik Wania, Jerzy Główczewski, Adam Skrzypek, Adam Wendt, Zbigniew Lewandowski, Piotr Baron, Tomasz Grabowy, Artur Lesicki, Piotr Dziubek, Beata Lerach, Natalia Grosiak, Sambor Dudziński.
He participated in many competitions and festivals, i.a. Jazz Floor /Austria/, Bandoneon Festival / Germany/, 18th Music Meeting / Netherlands/, ZAPPANALE #16 /Germany/, Görlitz Jazztage, International Film Festival Era New Horizons, International Competition of Jazzy Bands KROKUS JAZZ FESTIVAL /Jelenia Góra/, Jazzy Festival in Wrocław JAZZ BY ODRA, International Festival of Traditional Jazz /Iława/, All-polish Big Bands Festival /Nowy Tomyśl/, Traditional Jazz Festival Hot Jazz Spring /Częstochowa/, International Jazzy Struggle /Szczecin/, The Gardens of Songs Festival /Lublin/ WOW – The Huge Wrocław Hazing /Wrocław/, Music Zone of RAM Radio.
He cooperated with: Music Theatre Capitol in Wrocław (Gorączka, Swing, A Chorus Line, West Side Story), Polish Theatre ‘Smycz’ of Bartek Porczyk, Dramatic Theatre ‘Szaweł’ in Legnica and Opera ‘TURANDOT’ in Wrocław. He cooperated also with Philharmonic Orchestra in Opole and Dolny Śląsk, Guitar Association in Wrocław and Artistic Fund ARTISTIK.
He participated in many Jazzy Workshops with outstanding musicians like: Billy Harper, Kenny Garrett, Don Braden, Newman Taylor Baker, Francesce Tekstley, Paquito de Rivera, Piotr Wojtasik, Grzegorz Nagórski, Piotr Baron, Zbigniew Lewandowski, Adam Czerwiński, Maciej Sikała, Jarosław Śmietana, Mack Goldsbury, Adam Wendta, Leszek Żądło, Włodek Pawlik, Adam Pierończyk, Jaroslaw Śmietana, Ernst Bier, Francois Theberge, Stefan Weeke. Jaromir Honzak, Christian Rover.
He used to be a listener and a teacher in Private School of Jazz Music. Z. Czwojda together with such people as Piotr Baron, Artur Lesicki, Zbigniew Czwojda, Adam Skrzypek, Grażyna Łobaszewska, Janusz Konefał, Zbigniew Lewandowski, Marek Markowski, Marek Bałata, Andrzej Schmidt.
He was a saxophone teacher in Institution of Musical Schools – Musical School of 2nd Grade in Legnica and Private Music School- Kuznia Talentu in Poland.
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